In the heart of Cardiff, close to the banks of the River Taff, stands a magnificent fortress known as Cardiff Castle. It is a place of history and mystery, its walls bearing witness to over 2,000 years of tumultuous history. Among the many legends associated with this ancient site, none is more captivating than the folklore tale of the Welsh dragon. According to the tal, the site of Cardiff Castle was once the lair of a fearsome dragon.The dragon was a changeling, transforming from human form during the day into a terrible beast during the night. This dragon terrorized the local populace, causing untold fear and disruption. Ever night, it was said to fly from the castle towards the nearby River Taff to quench its thirst before returning to its lair to sleep until morning.However, a brave knight, hearing about the miseries caused by the dragon, decided to tackle the beast. He entered the castle during the day and laid in wait for the dragon’s transformation. When the dragon finally emerged, the knight drew his mighty sword and attacked the beast with all his strength, wounding it severely. The injured dragon let out a fierce roar, causing the skies to darken and the earth to shake, before finally dying.The death of the dragon brought relief and joy to the people of Cardiff. To honor the bravery of the knight and remember the legend of the dragon, the symbol of the dragon was incorporated into the flag of Wales, where it stands proudly to this day. This enduring symbol is an integral part of Wales’s rich culture, reminding its people of their ancient folklore and legends.