The Pickerel Bridge Poltergeist of Stowbridge

Stowbridge, a small hamlet in Norfolk, is home to one of the most puzzling events in English folklore. The Pickerel Bridge, a charming old bridge with a history stretching back to medieval times, has its ghost story to tell. The locals tell a story which has been passed down through generations, of an unquiet spirit known as the Pickerel Bridge Poltergeist. One moonlit night, a local saw a horse-drawn carriage disappear into the bridge, never to emerge from the other side. Since that event, eerie happenings have been observed. Objects moving by themselves, strange voices, chilling draughts and even sightings of the long lost carriage have been reported. The Poltergeist at the Pickerel Bridge has become a thing of both fear and fascination. According to folklorists, the phenomenon is associated with a historical incident. During the Middle Ages, a nobleman was traveling late at night with a consignment of gold. It is believed that he was ambushed and murdered at the spot where the bridge now stands. His spirit is said to be the Pickerel Bridge Poltergeist, trapped as a spectral carriage driver forever crossing the bridge. This untouched piece of English folklore remains very much alive in the 21st century. Even today many locals prefer to avoid the bridge after dark, as the sightings of the ethereal carriage and the untraceable voices continue to haunt Stowbridge.

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