Down in the depths of Surrey, just a short distance away from the coordinates given, sits a mysterious, serene body of water known as The Silent Pool. Reported to sit around 51.2191 latitude and -0.4800 longitude, this folklore-rich location is in the same county, but slightly off from the requested coordinates. Its tranquillity belies a tragic legend that dates back to the 14th Century. It’s said that The Silent Pool is the haunted resting place of a woodcutter’s daughter, known as Emma. She and her brother were attacked by a nobleman, possibly King John of England, a monarch known for his horrific treatment of women. Emma was bathing in the pool when the nobleman, attracted by her beauty, charged towards her on his horse. Frightened and desperate to escape the nobleman, Emma moved deeper into the water, not realising the depth. Meanwhile, her brother, who was severely mentally impaired, could only watch the scene in horror. The tale tells that they both drowned in the deep, still water. Distraught and guilty, the nobleman rode off, leaving the two bodies undiscovered until their father, the woodcutter, found them. Heartbroken, he also died of sorrow shortly after. It’s said that the spirits of the siblings still haunt the Silent Pool. Emma is often seen on moonlit nights, floating above the water, while eerie screams and splashing sounds are often heard. The Silent Pool’s waters continue to provide a chilling reminder of this tragic tale of innocence lost forever and are reputed to emanate an eerie stillness, refusing to ripple or make a noise, hence its name.