This tale begins deep within the highlands of Scotland, in the small village of Clashnessie, nearest to the coordinates provided, near the shores of the North Atlantic Ocean. The location carries a local legend that dates back to the 1700s, of a terrifying sea monster that was said to inhabit the waters of Clashnessie Bay and the falls nearby. The sea monster, known as the ‘Beast of Clashnessie’, was feared by the villagers. It was reputed to be enormous, with a long, serpentine body that moved fluidly in the waters. This creature was said to bear an uncanny resemblance to an all-too-familiar creature of Scottish folklore – the Loch Ness Monster or Nessie. It was believed that the Beast of Clashnessie would, on stormy nights, venture out from the oceanic depths to feed. It was said to be so large that its movements could create whirlpools and monstrous waves that threatened ships. The legend deepened when a local fisherman swore to have encountered the beast. The man who was alone in his boat late at night claimed to have seen the beast rise from the waters, its silhouette illuminated by the moon. Overcome by fear, he rowed to shore as fast as he could, leaving his nets behind. Skeptics suggest the Beast of Clashnessie might have been an oversized eel or freak waves during storms but for the locals, it’s their beloved sea monster. The tale of the Beast of Clashnessie remains imprinted in the folklore of this Scottish coastal hamlet, passed down over the generations. Today, it’s more of a legend than a fear and contributes to Clashnessie’s rich cultural tapestry.