In the outskirts of Liverpool, near the coordinates provided, there lies a small village surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills. It is said that in the 1700s, a giant roamed these lands and made his home atop a hill overlooking the village. The giant was known for his kind heart and gentle demeanor, often helping the villagers with their everyday tasks. One day, as a show of gratitude, the villagers decided to carve a massive chair out of stone for the giant to rest upon. The chair was placed at the summit of the hill, overlooking the entire village. The giant was delighted with the gift and would often be seen sitting on his throne, gazing out at the peaceful countryside. Over time, the giant became a beloved figure in the village, with many people seeking his advice and wisdom. Legend has it that on quiet nights, you can still hear the giant’s laughter echoing through the hills, a reminder of the gentle giant who once called this place home.