The Berry Pomeroy Castle, near the village of Berry Pomeroy, in South Devon, England, is a place steeped in history and rich in folklore. Constructed in the late 15th century by the Pomeroy family, it later fell into the hands of the Seymours, one of England’s most powerful families. Despite its grand beginnings, the castle eventually fell into ruin and it’s now reputedly one of the most haunted castles in Britain. Two main ghostly figures are said to roam the castle – the White Lady and the Blue Lady. The White Lady is believed to be the spirit of Margaret Pomeroy, who was imprisoned by her jealous sister Eleanor in the castle dungeons where she starved to death. Her ghost is often sighted in the dungeons and the castle towers, mourning her tragic fate. On the other hand, the Blue Lady is not confined to specific areas and is often seen beckoning for help from passers-by, luring them towards her, only to lead them to their death. She is believed to be the ghost of a Norman woman who was raped by her father, bore a child and subsequently strangled it. Over centuries, many visitors have reported strange occurrences and sightings, turning the Berry Pomeroy Castle into a place surrounded by myth and mystery, fear and fascination. These legends continue to play a vital role in the local culture and attract thousands of tourists every year, fueling the reputation of Berry Pomeroy Castle as one of the most haunted and enigmatic places in England.