For centuries, off the rugged coastline near the coordinates you provided lies Loch Eriboll and just beyond that, the towering peak of Suilven. Apart from its breathtaking natural beauty, this area of Scotland is steeped in a rich tapestry of folklore and legend. One of the most enduring of these tales is that of the Selkies; creatures of the sea that could shed their skin and walk amongst humans. According to local lore, a fisherman from the village spotted a group of what looked like seals basking on the shores of the loch. As he approached, he gaped in disbelief as eight of those seals began to shed their skins, revealing eight beautiful young women. His heart throbbing with desire, the fisherman stealthily stole one of the skins and hid it. When the selkies returned to the sea, one was left behind, distraught and crying. She was the most beautiful of them all, and her beauty struck the man to the core. Unable to return to her home in the sea, the selkie was forced to marry the fisherman and bore him several children. But she forever longed for her ocean home. One day, one of their children stumbled upon her hidden seal skin. Not knowing its significance, the child brought it to his mother. The instant she touched it, a powerful connection filled her. It was as if she was hearing the call of the sea. Without a moment’s hesitation, she slipped on her skin, kissed her children goodbye, and darted into the murky waters. The legend of the selkie has been etched into the cultural history of the local area and continues to captivate locals and tourists alike. Suilven and Loch Eriboll is not only a stunning landscape, it is also a silent witness to countless stories tucked in the folds of history, myth, and magic.