The legend of Fionn Mac Cumhaill and the creation of Dublin’s Liffey River

A story woven into the fabric of Dublin’s history centers around the mythology of Fionn Mac Cumhaill, a famous hero of Old Irish literature. According to the legend, terrible and prolonged drought had seized the land during his time. The abrupt absence of rain was causing all the rivers and streams to dry up, depriving people and animals of water. To alleviate the suffering of his people, Fionn decided to take matters into his own hands. Putting his cherished poetic talents to practical use, he began to dig a new riverbed with his magical and iconic weapon, his spear. For days and nights, he worked tirelessly, drilling and carving through the rugged landscape. Finally, his efforts bore fruit as a fresh surge of crystal-clear water started to flow along the newly forged path. This river provided a lifeline to his people and their cattle, and it was later known as the River Liffey.

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