Castle Stalker, arguably one of the most romantic and charming castles in Scotland, has its fair share of ghost stories and folklore. This four-story tower house, located on a tidal islet in Loch Laich, has been standing since the 14th century, largely populated by the Stewarts and later by the Campbells. It is believed to be the haunts of various spirits that were once inhabitants or frequent visitors to this enchanting castle.
The most renowned spirit is that of an unknown harpist. Erratically, the haunting melody of a harp can supposedly be heard floating through the ancient stone walls. According to the folklore, this ethereal musician was a guest at a major feast hosted by the then-ruling clan. Tragically, he was murdered in his sleep later that night in one of the Tower rooms. His spirit is believed to have remained at the castle, often playing his harp in the dead of night.
Another spirit rumored to wander the castle grounds is that of a soldier from the Campbell clan, who reportedly was left behind when the castle was abandoned. According to local tales, his ghostly figure can sometimes be spotted on the battlements, awaiting return of his clan. Many also claim to hear the faint echo of marching footsteps and clangs of war-helmets even today.
The third spirit tied to Castle Stalker is that of a lady with an air of tragedy surrounding her. Although not much is known about her identity, some reckon she could be a Stewart Lady who, in life, brought dishonour to the family.
These supernatural tales, endowed with a mix of tragedy and romance, add an enigmatic charm to Castle Stalker, making it a fond subject of local historians and visitors alike. Whether or not one believes in the spectral existence, the stories certainly bring life to the castle’s historical and cultural significance.