One of the most haunting tales from the Highlands of Scotland is the tale of The Ghostly Piper of Glencoe. As the legend goes, in the bitter winter of 1692, the Massacre of Glencoe took place. Soldiers from Clan Campbell, on Royal orders, turned against their hosts of Clan MacDonald at Glencoe and murdered them in cold blood. Many of the MacDonalds fled into the snowy mountains, but the weather was severe and those who didn’t perish at the hands of the Campbells succumbed to the merciless cold. One of these unfortunate souls was the piper of the clan. His mournful music echoed through the glen leading up to the massacre, and to this day, it is said you can still hear the spectral tunes, especially on cold, snow-laden winds. The eerie music is believed to be an omen of bad luck or a sign of impending doom. The story of the Ghostly Piper adds to Glencoe’s infamous reputation and the chilling tale has added an allure which draws in visitors from around the world, who come hoping to catch a whisper of the spectral piper’s mournful tunes swirling in the chilly highland breeze. It is a stark reminder of the tragic history that has taken place in these beautiful landscapes.