The Ghost of Gwylim Ddu

As darkness falls upon the city of Rhyl, located on the north-east coast of Wales, locals sit around in hushed tones speaking the chilling tale of Gwilym Ddu, or Black William, as he is known in English. It has been centuries, yet legend says that an eerie calm pervades, as though the city holds its breath for what is to come. The ghost of Gwilym Ddu, it is believed, still wanders the shores and castle ruins of Rhyl. Gwilym, during his life, was known as a belligerent man, quick to fray and slow to forget a grudge. He had accumulated many enemies over the years due to his savage ways and cruel temper. Amidst the crashing waves and the rustling of the wind, locals claim to hear his vengeful cry loud and clear. His untimely demise, a result of a violent feud, left his restless spirit wandering, unable to find peace. Sightings of a shadowy figure believed to be Gwilym’s ghost pacing restlessly amongst the ruins, have become an integral part of Rhyl’s haunting folklore. What strengthens this belief is the unexplainable chill that swathes the ruins on certain moonlit nights, and the inexplicable withering of flora in the area believed to be his final resting place. The terrified locals and intrigued tourists alike are left to ponder whether the next gust of wind they hear is just the wind or the mournful sigh of Gwilym Ddu, whose restless spirit continues to wander in eternal torment in the historical town of Rhyl.

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