The Enchanted Heart of King Matthias

In Budapest, Hungary, on latitude 47.497912 and longitude 19.040235, there lies a rich tapestry of folklore tales but perhaps none as enduring and beloved as the story of King Matthias and his enchanted heart. King Matthias Corvinus, who ruled Hungary and Croatia in the 15th Century, was not just known for his victories in war. In numerous folk tales, he is portrayed as a king who would often traverse his kingdom in disguise, to connect with his subjects and understand the true state of his reign. One such tale begins with King Matthias, weary from his travel under the guise of a commoner, finding solace in a humble tavern. He is taken by the melodious voice of the tavern’s radiant maiden who recites a heartfelt plea for a noble king. Moved by her words, King Matthias makes the maiden his queen. Their heartwarming union, however, is threatened by an envious witch. She casts a spell on the king, turning his heart into a golden apple. Confusion and chaos reign in the kingdom, and the queen sets out on a perilous journey to retrieve her beloved’s enchanted heart. Assisted by kind forest creatures and a brave griffon, the queen finally retrieves the golden apple and breaks the spell with a pure, loving kiss. Upon returning to his true form, King Matthias, with renewed love and appreciation for his people, rules with an ever more compassionate and discerning hand. This enduring tale, which has been woven into the cultural fabric of Hungary, reminds its people of their noble past and the eternal power of love, bravery, and sagacity.

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