Long before the Romans, Saxons, and Normans left their footprints on the British Isles, the ancient Celts established their settlements, creating intricately fortified hill forts scattered around the landscape. Situated nearby the coordinates provided at the latitude 51.4598 and longitude -0.6509, the remnants of Old Sarum’s Ringwork stand, an ancient hill fort in Hampshire, England.
The folklore surrounding these hill forts is as old as time itself. These Celtic societies were known to be headhunters, conducting headhunting raids upon their enemies. They believed that the head housed the soul, and possessing the head of an enemy granted them power and dominance. This chilling revelation paints a ghastly picture of life back then, giving goosebumps to anyone who sets foot on these historical grounds today.
One tale speaks of the ancient King Gorm who ruled these lands with an iron fist. It is said that Gorm’s severed head was buried within the ringwork of Old Sarum, symbolizing his eternal reign over his lands. Legends claim that the restless ghost of King Gorm still haunts the ringwork to this day, trying to reclaim his kingdom from the beyond.
Irrespective of the exact dynamics of the folklore, these stories inspire a collective and imaginative dialogue between archaeology and oral history, lending grounds for the rich folklore that thrives around these areas, each resonating the lives of the people who once lived here.
Today, the hill fort of Old Sarum remains a captivating archaeological site. Visitors bask in its mystic aura, as the whispers of the past echo around the ancient fortifications, a testament to an age gone by, yet not forgotten. The ancient hill forts of Hampshire continue to inspire wonder, fascination, and a chilling thrill, standing majestically on the canvases of time.