The old city of Łomża, Poland, situated near the longitude 53.99472779999999 and latitude 21.1347556, is a deep well of rich history and timeless folklore. One mysterious tale that continues to be a part of the town’s fabric is the haunting story of the Ghostly Mourner, an ethereal figure that has been part of Łomża’s oral tradition since the 1800s. The story starts with a young woman named Elżbieta, known for her beauty and kindness. She was deeply in love with a handsome soldier who was often away at war. Their moments together were fleeting, yet they promised each other eternal love. One gloomy day, the news of her beloved’s death in the battlefield reached Elżbieta. Heartbroken, she mourned deeply and frequently visited her lover’s grave, always donned in a black dress with a long, covering veil. Elżbieta’s sorrow was so great that she passed away shortly after, her heart unable to bear the grief of her loss. After her death, locals began to report strange sightings at the town’s cemetery. A veiled woman, dressed in black, was often seen crying by a particular tombstone. Those who saw her claimed she disappeared if anyone tried to approach her. The sightings were so frequent that people came to believe it was the spirit of Elżbieta mourning her lost love. Right up to the present day, people still tell the tale of the Ghostly Mourner of Łomża. Some even claim to have witnessed her spectral presence. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the story of the mourning Elżbieta remains a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love.