The Devil’s Elbow: A Somerset Legend

Moving close to the coordinates given, in the historic region of West Somerset, lies a winding road known by local residents as ‘The Devil’s Elbow’. This road gets its chilling name from a local folklore tale that has been passed down from one generation to the next, with each retelling adding a little extra flavor.The story goes back to Medieval times and involves none other than Satan himself. As the legend has it, the Devil once strayed onto this part of England, specifically this twisted road located not far from Dunster, a picturesque village in Somerset. An arrogant entity that he is, Satan decided he’d leave his mark on the scenic landscape.He chose to manifest his presence by twisting a section of the road into a sinister, sharp and dangerous bend, giving birth to the infamous ‘Devil’s Elbow’. So perilous was this bend that many mishaps were reported, and this section of the road purportedly became known as a place of ill omen.Local lore also maintains that, at the stroke of midnight, the Devil is said to appear at this ill-fated spot. Some tales suggest the eerie sound of a phantom coach and horses, presumably led by the Devil himself, can be heard racing down the road, the chilling rush of cold wind accompanying the unseen dread. Despite no visual evidence, the echoing hoofbeats, the phantom shrieks and the cold, supernatural aura often scared off travelers trying to traverse the route after dark.Today, this winding road and its wicked bend, though shrouded in fear, has become a legendary folklore tale that echoes the unique cultural narrative of this quaint English town. Though the name ‘Devil’s Elbow’ may send a chill down one’s spine, it has become an integral part of the local character, the haunting past adding to the allure of this charming Somerset village.

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