There was once a legendary king in Hungary named Matthias Corvinus, known as King Matthias, reigning in the 15th century. Famous for his wisdom, bravery, and love for his people, King Matthias turned Hungary into one of Europe’s strongest nations. However, what most distinguishes him in Hungarian folklore isn’t his impressive rule, but his love for disguise. One of the most popular stories about King Matthias involves him disguising himself as a simple man, and wandering around towns and markets, interacting with regular people to truly understand their hardship and joy. This helped him enact policies that truly benefit his people. On one such occasion in Budapest, he came across an old woman on the market selling her most glorious pies. She urged the disguised king to try a piece, claiming it to be the best in the entire Kingdom of Hungary. Convinced by her confidence, King Matthias tasted it and found it surprisingly impressive. Wanting to reward her skills, Matthias gave the old woman her much-deserved reward, albeit in a surprising manner. He thanked the woman and casually promised her that if she could bring him a pie at the Royal Palace, she’d receive a golden coin in return. Unaware of the man’s identity, the woman did as she was told and was surprisingly ushered into the royal court where the king himself was seated majestically on his throne. Recognizing the man, the shocked woman almost dropped her pie, but served it nonetheless. King Matthias smiled and upheld his promise, rewarding the woman a gold coin and praising her efforts in front of the entire court. The humble woman’s pie even became a favorite at the royal palace. It’s said that this pie was made from a special hen, leading the story to fondly be named Matthias and the Speckled Hen.