Cluny Castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, holds a chilling story of a ghost that has haunted its halls for centuries. According to legend, in the mid-1700s, a piper was employed by MacPherson of Cluny, the Chief of Clan MacPherson, who inhabited the castle at that time. One day, the Piper had discovered a series of hidden underground tunnels, which were rumored to go from the castle and end at the local church in Kingussie, some 5 miles away. Intrigued by the lure of a treasure allegedly hidden within these tunnels, the Piper announced he would explore them, playing his pipes as he went so that the people above ground could track his progress. However, as he began his journey into the darkened depths, the merry notes of his pipes soon turned into low, fearful whispers before they eventually stopped altogether. Despite a thorough search, the piper was never found. Since then, on quiet nights, it is said one can hear the faint sound of bagpipes echoing through the halls and corridors of Cluny Castle, forever reminding inhabitants of the Piper’s mysterious and untimely end.