The peaceful village of Shere, approximately located at latitude 51.2195 and longitude -0.4648, harbors a fascinating ghost story that has travelled through the ages, originating from the turbulent times of the 16th century. The central character of this hair-raising tale is a spectral figure of a monk known as the Ghost Monk of Shere. According to the local folklore, this monk belonged to the Shere’s ancient monastery, which was brutally dissolved during Henry VIII’s reign. The monk, refusing to submit to the monarch’s force and submit to the newly established Church of England, intended to preserve the treasures of the monastery. He allegedly hid them in a secret tunnel between the monastery and nearby Shere church. However, the violent events of the time lead to his untimely death before he could return and recover the treasures. Hence, he is believed to be cursed to wander Shere in an eternal quest to complete his unfinished task. His phantom figure is frequently reported by the locals and visitors, cloaked in a dark robe, roaming around in the dead of the night. People claim to have seen him around the St James’ Church and the White Horse Pub, a 15th-century establishment located near the very tunnel the monk is said to have hidden the treasures in. This spectral sighting is an accepted part of the village’s character, and it continues to add a layer of mystery and excitement to the tranquil world of Shere.